SCENE: French port
OFFICER: Passeport, madame? Non, desole. Il est interdit aux femmes de voyager. All foreigner women must be registered for travel. No good, very sorry.
ANNE: But?
ELSIE JAMES: Geeze, those honest-to-God American girls look so great to me.
MARGARET BUSH: Yeah, but you know what? These God-forsaken uniforms are driving me nuts.
ELSIE JAMES: Youre telling me.
MARGARET BUSH: You know when I came over here I still had my silk stockings?
ELSIE JAMES: Yeah, I remember that.
MARGARET BUSH: You remember where its going now?
ELSIE JAMES: And more mud.
ANNE: Excuse me, but I couldnt help but notice youre from Stateside. Are you with the YWCA?
ELSIE JAMES: [laughs] God, no.
MARGARET BUSH: No, I dont think so.
ELSIE JAMES: Were actresses. Were under contract.
MARGARET BUSH: For the boys.
ELSIE JAMES: For the boys.
MARGARET BUSH: Yeah, were on our way to the front, but the French military wont let any more women than necessary into the danger zone, so we got stuck wearing these duds.
ELSIE JAMES: Ive threatened to turn all of France into a danger zone if they try keeping us from our duty any longer.
ANNE: Are you registered to travel across the front?
MARGARET BUSH: No, actually, we spent the last eight days stuck in Paris trying to explain to the government how come were exempt from all these bloody rules.
ELSIE JAMES: Yeah, weve got our registration papers. Why? Where are you going?
ANNE: Im going to Brussels and to Liege, hopefully, if I can get through.
ELSIE JAMES: Why dont you stick with us? We can get you in.
MARGARET BUSH: Yeah, wed love a challenge.
MARGARET BUSH: Wed have to get her a different get-up. Maybe the Red Cross or Sally Anne.
ANNE: Um, no, its all right. Thank you.
SCENE: Same station, after Anne has changed into a nuns habit
OFFICER: [to girls] Vous permits, sil vous plait. [looking at Annes papers] Allez-y.
ELSIE JAMES: Hey! Whod you knock off to get your hands on that get-up? [laughs]
SCENE: Train compartment
ELSIE JAMES: So, I do imitations. I dance a little. I tell stories. You know, like this big Baldwin locomotive pulls up into a shed with four thousand Yanks. I jumps up on the platform, doing a handspring to boot, no less. Hey boys, are we downhearted? I yells and I hear this ear-splitting, Hell, no! [laughs] I tell you, it is the biggest show on earth. This war has gotten me hook, line, and sinker. Never knowing which songs your last kind of spurs you on.
ANNE: I envy you.
ELSIE JAMES: What are you talking about? Youre acting your blessed heart out right now.
ANNE: You bring happiness into peoples lives.
ELSIE JAMES: Happiness, oh, geeze. Have another nip there, Sister Anne.
ANNE: I dont even know who the devil I am anymore. Weve all been swept up in some tidal wave, keeping on the surface for fear well drown.
ELSIE JAMES: And you do drown. You do drown. Along comes some nineteen-year-old Jimmy Something-or-other from Tulamassoo, Idaho, to pay a call and tell you about his latest loves, oh, and he vows how no one can hold a candle to you. And Psst. Gone. Killed before the same hour the next day. Sometimes I cant stop bawling. I only manage to keep singing my songs by looking over their heads and not into their faces.
MARGARET BUSH: Yeah, well, shes got a bullet from every guy she ever fell for.
ELSIE JAMES: Yeah, there aint a blank one in the bunch. Look. I keep them alive in here. [the train stops] What was that?
SCENE: In corridor
SOLDIER: Vous avez vu lenfant?
OFFICER: Dans le compartiment.
SOLDIER: Ah, bon.
SCENE: Annes compartment
SOLDIER: Mesdames. Allez, passeports. Allez, allez, vos papiers.
ELSIE JAMES: All right. All right. Here. Here. Here.
MARGARET BUSH: Here. [she drops her paper] Sorry.
SOLDIER: Et le bebe?
ANNE: Cest un orphelin.
SOLDIER: Bush, eh, Busch? Eh, cest un nom allemand ca? Espion allemand peut-etre, hmm?
MARGARET BUSH: German? Im Yankee Doodle. Busch? Can you believe he thinks Im some kind of German beer?
SOLDIER: Cest quoi ca? [takes Annes hand] Imposteur anglais, huh?
ANNE: No. [he takes the baby]
ANNE: Give me my baby! [he hits her, knocking her out]
MARGARET BUSH: Anne! Oh, God. Anne!
ELSIE JAMES: Anne! Hey, what are you doing? Oh, geeze.
MARGARET BUSH: [the soldier grabs her] Anne!
SCENE: In a boarded up room.
ANNE: Wheres Dominic?
ELSIE JAMES: I dont know. They threw Mag in the clink. The jerks. With her bloody names, and these blasted German-colored uniforms, and your accent-they think were a bunch of spies.
ANNE: Spies? Oh, my Lord!
ELSIE JAMES: Theyre going to kill us at dawn. Thats why theyve taken the kid away. [Anne pulls on the boards] Forget it; the doors are barred.
ANNE: Theyre going to do no such thing.
ELSIE JAMES: What are you doing?
ANNE: How fast can you dig?
ELSIE JAMES: What are you doing? What?
ANNE: Come on, come on. Dig!
ELSIE JAMES: What? All right.
ANNE: Dig!
ELSIE JAMES: All right!
ANNE: Dig! Dig faster!
ELSIE JAMES: All right. What are you doing?
ANNE: I dont know.
ANNE: Im not sure yet. Fill it with coal. Hurry!
ELSIE JAMES: Here! Here!
ANNE: Give me your shells.
ELSIE JAMES: No, no, not my boys.
ANNE: Give me your shells. I just want the gunpowder; you can keep the shells.
ELSIE JAMES: Not my boys. All right, all right. Here.
ANNE: Okay. Look, at this point, its their way of saying thanks.
ANNE: You got a match?
ELSIE JAMES: Yeah, sure.
ANNE: And your flask, while your at it.
ELSIE JAMES: Oh, geeze. Whisky doesnt work unless youre having a good time. Here.
ANNE: Okay, okay. Stand back! [their makeshift bomb blasts a hole in the wall] Yes! Come on!
SCENE: Outside
ANNE: Oh, God. Elsie, run for the woods.
ELSIE JAMES: No, no. I cant. I cant go without Maggie. Dont worry about us. You just keep on treading water. Go! Go! [Anne runs from the authorities. Meanwhile, Jack shows up at the train station looking for Anne.]
WOMAN: Mais ou va-t-elle avec cet enfant? Ou allez-vous?
[Anne runs through the woods]
SCENE: Back at the train station, Jack arrives
MAN: Cest ca. Cest ca. Et cest bien. Viens, mon viuex. Voila. Voila. Comme-ci. Comme-ca. Viola.
JACK: Je cherche une petite soeur, uh, avec bebe.
MAN: Je suis desole. Je ne lai pas vue. Non, non, je suis desole.
JACK: Youre sorry.
SCENE: Fields along the road
ANNE: [seeing a cart go by] Arretez! Arretez! Je cherche le Manoir de Bonne Esperance, le chateau de Madame Kitt Garrison.
MAN: Oui, on y va au manoir. Venez, ma soeur.
ANNE: Merci. Merci.
MAN: Quest-ce qui se passe?
SCENE: Kitt Garrisons chateau
JACK: Anne! Anne! Why didnt you wait at the station? Anne! Trust you to find your own way. Let me see your face. Dominic. My boy. My boy. Its all right. Yeah.
ANNE: Oh, we made it. I think we made it.
JACK: Youve done something more important than you can imagine. Youre very brave, Anne. Very, very brave.
KIT GARRISON: Anne Shirley, my dear. Youve never looked saintlier, and youve brought our Dominic home.
ANNE: Are we safe?
KIT GARRISON: Well, theyve killed the animals, bayonetted the furniture, and poured two hundred pots of jam into my grand piano, but this war is over.
JACK: The kaiser abdicated. This war is going to end. Dominic will be very safe here with Aunt Kitt.
KIT GARRISON: Oh, lets get you all inside.
SCENE: Inside
JACK: Welcome to one of my fathers many extravagances: an impossibly large chateau in the middle of no-mans-land for summer holidays.
KIT GARRISON: This is where the children play after their lessons and before bed. This is Regine and this is Dominic. Will you take him under your wing? Hes going to stay for a while with us.
JACK: He reminds me of Colette. Thank you.
KIT GARRISON: Oh, Anne. You look as though youve been dragged through the mud. Let someone look after you for a change. [revealing gems hidden in Annes clothes] Each of these would save hundreds of lives and medical supplies. It would otherwise be impossible to procure now. And assist Jack. Bring this blessed war to an end.
SCENE: Outside the chateau
KIT GARRISON: You neednt worry about this young fellow anymore. Hes safe here. Bye-bye. As long as I live. [Anne and Jack get in the car] Bye! Wave, Dominic, wave.
SCENE: In the car
ANNE: I never thought it was going to feel like this.
JACK: Shh.
ANNE: Giving him up for good.
JACK: Dont worry. [he puts his arm around her] Youll see Dominic again.
ANNE: I keep thinking about Gil and all the reasons that I came here. I dont want to go to Germany if he doesnt exist. Please. tell me the truth, Jack.
JACK: Truth? Open my bag.
ANNE: Why?
JACK: Open the bag! Look in the file. Not that one, the other one. See the signature?
ANNE: Where? Wait. What? Where did you get this?
JACK: I sprang a P.O.W. a couple of months ago. Found that medical certificate and his gear.
ANNE: A month ago?
JACK: Unfortunately, the little group Im with has its work cut out. Were assigned to bribe certain German officials into a meeting in France. So, the Allies can conclude an armistice. I have every intention of doing whatever I can to help you, Anne.
SCENE: Germany
ANNE: Keep going.
JACK: Move!
ANNE: We cant stop. We have to keep going.
JACK: What?
JACK: The city is under siege. The German troops have walked away from the front with their coats rotting on their backs. Theyre looting because no one can stop them. Because theyre afraid, not of the Allies, but of the Communists. I have a contact in here that can help us. Come on.
SCENE: Embassy
JACK: There were no other records of any Canadian or American Dr. Blythes in any of the hospitals or camps. Maybe he was moved.
ANNE: You showed me the paper. You told me you had contacts. You let me put your own son in danger.
JACK: Im trying to help legions of others. Dont you want to be part of this now?
ANNE: I came here for one reason, and one reason only, and I am not leaving until I have turned up every single floorboard to find out whatever I can about my husband.
JACKS ASSOCIATE: We convene at the station at 1600 hours.
JACK: If I have to scour every barracks in the city, Ill keep on trying.
SCENE: Barracks
JACK: You see him? In a day, these men will be free. Theyll be walking away because these Germans cant be bothered keeping them. Come on. British troops are already being released all over the city.
SCENE: Hospital
ANNE: [looking at the hospital logs] He was here. His name. His name is here. Its dated October.
JACK: Yes, he was here for several months.
ANNE: And what did she say?
JACK: Every day the Germans brought him here from the camp to work. Then one day, they took him away. He never came back.
ANNE: Where did she say they took him?
JACK: Anne, they dont ask questions.
ANNE: Did she say he was dead? I need proof. [to the nurse] Do you keep a record of people who die? [she lunges at her]
JACK: Anne. This is anarchy. Theres no authorities here to make out a certificate. He might have got away.
ANNE: And if he didnt? [the hug]
JACK: I said something to you a long time ago. I meant it. We can take Dominic. We con go back to the U.S. of A. We can be a family.
JACKS ASSOCIATE: The German delegation will be taken by train to LaCapelle and meet at the Villa Paques. Then I will drive them to the Chimay [Germans shouting in the background] LaCapelle Road, where they will present themselves.
ELSIE JAMES: Hello, my fine boys!
MARGARET BUSH: Were coming!
ELSIE JAMES: Hello, boys! My favorite. Oh, what a gentle bunch.
ELSIE JAMES: Were here.
MARGARET BUSH: Theyre fighting. I think we should sing a song. All right, were going to sing a song for you boys.
ELSIE JAMES: All right.
JACKS ASSOCIATE: [continuing] After that, Marechal Foch has arranged that they be escorted by a security train to a secluded spot in the Compiegne forest.
[Elsie James and Margaret Bush sing]
JACK: The isolation should hide them from any rebel aircraft.
JACKS ASSOCIATE: [continuing] President Wilson wants our team to be part of the delegate
ELSIE JAMES: Hey! Whats the matter with you?
MARGARET BUSH: Sing a song.
[Elsie James and Margaret Bush sing a new song]
ELSIE JAMES: [seeing Anne] Oh.
MARGARET BUSH: Look, whos here!
ANNE: Youre safe! Youre safe. You made it. Oh!
MARGARET BUSH: Oh, we missed you.
ANNE: What are you doing here?
ELSIE JAMES: We are now the villainous vamping lady spies!
ANNE: Yeah?
MARGARET BUSH: Those French soldiers was so convinced we was German, they shipped us across the border. And now the Germans are convinced its over so were having a ball!
ELSIE JAMES: We are doing way better, by George. This place is better than no-mans-land. Hey, wheres the little kid?
MARGARET BUSH: Hey, Annie, why dont you come up and sing a song with us?
ELSIE JAMES: Oh, yes! Oh, please. Come on, come on. You can do this. Get up.
MARGARET BUSH: No, you cant say no to us. We wont let you. Come on, you can look into their faces now. Come on. You know the rules.
ELSIE JAMES and MARGARET BUSH: [singing] Let me call you Sweethearts,
ELSIE JAMES and MARGARET BUSH: [singing] Im I love with you.
MARGARET BUSH: Dont be shy. Come on.
ALL THREE: [singing] Let me hear you whisper, that you love me, too. Keep your love light shining in your eyes so true.
ELSIE JAMES: Come on, Anne.
ANNE: [singing] Let me call you Sweetheart, Im in love with you.
ELSIE JAMES: One more time.
ALL THREE: [singing] Let me call you Sweetheart, Im in love with you
[Anne sees Gilbert]
ANNE: Oh! Oh, my love!
GILBERT: I thought you were a dream.
JACK: Officer Blythe.
ANNE: You remember Jack Garrison. He helped me look for you.
JACK: Weve got to move very quickly. Theres going to be a truce.
ANNE: Jack and his friends with Allied forces. Theyre going to get us out of here quickly.
JACK: We havent much time. Ill see what we can do.
SCENE: Train station
JACK: My associate and I are to escort you and your delegation to the Eastern front.
SCENE: On the train
GILBERT: [after Jack offers him a cigarette] No.
JACK: I expect you find it tough, to pick up where you left off from. Especially after all the inhumanity youve seen.
GILBERT: I take it one step at a time. Well be fine.
ANNE: I bribed the attendant with the watch you gave me, Gil.
GILBERT: Its never been put to better use.
ANNE: What were you two talking about?
GILBERT: Oh, just what fine men we have met who have sacrificed so much.
ANNE: Gil. Jack, will you have some tea?
JACK: No, no. I need to find Saunders. [he leaves]
GILBERT: Do you know that every day I would pick a different memory I had of you, and I would play it over and over and over again in my mind, until ever detail, every hair, every freckle, every part of you was exactly as I remembered.
ANNE: Wont you rest now.
SCENE: Elsewhere on the train
JACK: Want to take the safe road home, aye?
ANNE: I think the road with you would only last so long, Jack.
JACK: Without you, Id never have my son, Anne.
ANNE: The road I began with Gil is forever. Ill never forget what youve done for me.
JACK: I have a dream-
ANNE: We all have unfulfilled dreams. I gave up Dominic. Ill always think of him as our son. [she kisses him on the cheek]
SCENE: Back in Gils cabin
ANNE: Sorry to wake you. [a gunshot is heard]
SCENE: Jacks cabin
ANNE: Jack! Jack!
JACK: Anne, look at me.
ANNE: Jack, who did this to you?
JACK: Youre beautiful.
ANNE: Whats happened?
JACK: What goes around, comes around with outlaws. Keegan must be really scared.
ANNE: No, dont move. Gil! Gil! GIL! GIL!
JACK: Oh, my God!
ANNE: Who did this is going to try and get off the train.
GILBERT: If we get him off this train now, hes going to bleed to death.
ANNE: Youre going to be all right.
JACK: Whatever happens to me, you take care of my son.
GILBERT: Keep holding this, Ill go for help.
ANNE: Youre all right. Oh, no.
SCENE: France
GILBERT: Whats happening? Is the town under attack?
SOLDIER: No more attacks today, monsieur, or any other day. Its all over. Cest fini. What weve all been praying for: the armistice was signed at Compiegne.
ANNE: Whats all the shooting for, then?
SOLDIER: All the old ammunitions. Ils sont fous. Ils sont fatigues.
ANNE: I cant believe Jack never lived to see the armistice. Please, help me find Dominic.
SCENE: Kit Garrisons chateau
ANNE: Dominic!
GILBERT: Dominic!
ANNE: Dominic!
GILBERT: Dominic!
ANNE: Dominic! Dominic!
SCENE: Bedroom
GILBERT: Whats the matter?
ANNE: Dominic.
GILBERT: Honey. Where can he be?
ANNE: A child doesnt just disappear into thin air.
GILBERT: You said yourself his aunt was looking after him.
ANNE: What if something happened to her?
GILBERT: For all we know, they could be on their way back to New York by now.
ANNE: Gil, when I was in London, I made a promise. I told Jack if anything ever happened to him, I would look after his son.
GILBERT: Well, well have to do everything in our power to find him, then. Thats my promise to you.
SCENE: Prince Edward Island, October 1919
GILBERT: Are you going to tell them when we get back?
ANNE: Im ready now, Gil. Living here this past year with Fred and Diana has made me realize how much things have changed.
GILBERT: Well, the lawyer promised hed bring all the papers.
SCENE: Avonlea train station
MAN: Dr. and Mrs. Blythe. What glorious countryside!
ANNE: Where is he?
MAN: Oh, hes with the station master.
GILBERT: My wifes worried he wont recognize her.
MAN: I have all the documents. It seems that Miss Garrison suffered heart failure on her return to New York. The next of kin have no interest in the boy.
ANNE: [hugging Dominic] Id never forget you. I got you back. You came back to me. I love you. Oh.
SCENE: Green Gables
FRED: Dominic! Oh, you promised youd bring him home.
DIANA: Look! Oh, this must be Dominic. Oh, hes beautiful.
GILBERT: Its official. We signed the adoption papers today.
DIANA: Oh, we have good news. We looked at a house in town this morning. I think weve more than overstayed our welcome.
GILBERT: Well, actually.
ANNE: Were not going to be spending the rest of the year here.
DIANA: What do you mean?
ANNE: Gil and I talked about it, and we decided that we want you and Fred to keep Green Gables for good.
GILBERT: Im going to be taking over Dr. Stuarts medical practice in Glen St. Mary, and we drive over to look at a new house tomorrow.
DIANA: You cant give this place up.
ANNE: There isnt anyone who would appreciate it more than you. Well come back to visit. We want to start over.
FRED: I dont know what to say.
FRED JR: Aunt Anne! Mommy!
ANNE: Our children will be kindred spirits for life.
SCENE: Field
ANNE: Green Gables will always be here this way in my heart.
GILBERT: Its never looked so peaceful.
ANNE: Just the way it was when I first came here as a child. What do you think, Dominic? We have to make a new life, but built on all the old foundations.
GILBERT: Well build a good home, and raise a family, with lots of scope for the imagination.
ANNE: Oh, how I loved it here, Gil. But Green Gables will always be a part of me. Come on, Gil. Lets show him all our old haunts.